San Juan La Laguna

Holy Week


San Juan La Laguna

One of the great traditions that attracts a lot to tourism in San Juan La Laguna, are the dates of Holy Week and we leave it embodied in the following way:

Palm Sunday

It is on this day, where the entry into Jerusalem of Jesus of Nazareth is commemorated with the palm procession by the multitude of people who acclaim him as the Son of God. And for this the Palm leaf is used by the faithful as the inauguration of Holy Week which is delivered during the religious act to the people after having been blessed.

Holy Monday

Day that is used to wash the curtains, bandages and other ornaments used for the act of crucifixion. Likewise, other activities are carried out such as the elaboration of the litters which are elaborated by the Santo Domingo brotherhood. And likewise, people prepare the materials for making the rugs for Friday.

Holy Tuesday

Day where people from the brotherhoods travel to the coast to bring fruits to be used for the Holy Week Monument. And likewise the same day that is used to make preparations for the following days.

Holy Wednesday

Day in which a Chrism Mass is celebrated and the blessing of Holy Oils. Likewise, on this day people adorn each corner of the main streets with coffers. The coffers are adorned with fruits and flowers, which gives the town a beautiful view full of aroma, it is removed from the streets until Resurrection Sunday. Through a procession, fruits are brought in two different places, first they are brought in the municipality of San Juan and then in the Santo Domingo brotherhood, the participants are: the different brotherhoods of the town, main people of the town, authorities religious and municipal, this act is known as “Bringing of Fruits”. The fruits collected in the Municipality and in the Brotherhood are placed in several baskets, these are carried by the women and in the middle of a procession they are transferred to the Catholic Church. At night the procession of Via Cruces infantil takes place.

Holy Thursday

Day in which the faithful commemorate in the Catholic Church during the celebration of Holy Mass, the Last Supper for the institution of the Eucharist and the washing of the feet performed by Jesus for his apostles, So during Holy Mass a small act is performed. There is a procession of the Way of the Cross in the main streets and the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is performed in the Catholic Church.

Holy Friday

Day when the whole town is filled with activities, both in the streets and also in the Catholic Church by the faithful. Starting the morning with a procession of the way of the cross, at noon the act of crucifixion is performed in the Church, followed by the celebration of the seven words, celebration of the Lord's passion and act of descent. Meanwhile, starting at noon on this same day, the main streets are blocked since it is when people go to work to make carpets with sawdust material, all main streets are adorned with carpets of different styles, shapes and very colorful. People dedicate themselves with their art and techniques to do an incredible job with the beautified streets. At nine o'clock at night, the procession of the Holy Burial of Jesus begins, taking a tour of the main streets adorned with carpets.

Holy Saturday

This day is used by the group Mothers of Family of the Church to wash bandages on the beach. Likewise, another group is in charge of the preparation of the great Easter Vigil which is carried out on the night of this day and finally a procession of the Virgen de la Soledad is carried out by the faithful.

Likewise this day many people use it for a harmonious family rest, there are those who go to the shores of Lake Atitlán and others to other tourist destinations.

Resurrection Sunday

On this day the Resurrection of Jesus is celebrated through a procession of the Risen Jesus and another procession of the Virgin Mary, where an act of encounter between these two characters takes place. It is also on this day that the coffers are removed from the main streets and the fruits that hang on them are distributed among the people.

Narrated by: Manuel Federico Ujpán y José Yojcom

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