San Juan La Laguna


In the municipal seat, the titular party in honor of San Juan, patron of the town, is celebrated from June 23 to 25. The main day is 24, when the Catholic church commemorates the nativity of Saint John the Baptist. Days before the date of the fair, in the municipality different social, cultural and religious activities are held to celebrate the employer's fair, starting with the election and coronation of the different indigenous queens of the town, among them the queen of the town giving the title of "Ki Kotz'ij Aj Xekuku Aab'aj", accompanied by other cultural activities.

Activities carried out during this time:

Patronal Fair

  • Sports meetings
  • Election and investiture of queens
  • Allegorical Parade
  • Musical Concerts
  • Social Dance
  • Mechanical Games
  • Maya Ball Games
  • Dance of Convite
  • Dance of the Mexicans
  • Dance of the Principal
  • And among others .

And as religious activities for the veneration of the Holy Patron Saint John the Baptist, the procession is coordinated by the different brotherhoods of the Church and with the participation of the devotees.

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