San Juan La Laguna


Known as Rostro Maya, it is the viewpoint of San Juan La Laguna that is located at the highest point of the place.

General Data

Distance from Guatemala City to Cerro Cristalino: 160 km.

What you didn't know...

  • The mountain forms the face of a person face up with the glance towards the sky.
  • You can camp at Cerro K’istalin or start the ascent at dawn to appreciate the sunrise over Lake Atitlán.
  • From the top of the Mayan face you can see Lake Atitlán, the San Pedro, Tolimán and Atitlán Volcanoes, and you can see the peak of the Acatenango and Fuego volcanoes.
  • It has a height of 2,200 meters above sea level.

How to get?

For the ascent to the viewpoint, you can start with a walk of approximately 2 hours from the town of San Juan to the summit, on the way you will meet nature, as well as the stories of the place.

There are two routes to get to the municipal seat of San Juan La Laguna:

- By land access, at kilometer 148 of the Inter-American route there is a sign that indicates the crossing for Santa Clara La Laguna and it is that route that is taken to go down to San Juan La Laguna , passing through Santa Clara La Laguna and San Pablo La Laguna.

- And by water access, you can take the boat in Panajachel to San Juan La Laguna.

Some recommendations to climb it ...

  • The ideal is to bring hydration, refreshment some fruit bars, light bread for breakfast in the viewpoint; to watch the sunrise over the lake and see how the sun takes its position.
  • Photographic camera
  • Coat
  • Climbing shoes
  • Sunscreen
  • Have a local guide

Come and enjoy the beautiful view that this tourist site offers!

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